![]() ![]() ![]() Email : Noemi - mother of Luijoe at [email protected]- or contact me at my cellphone at +639178101582 if you want to talk about your grief. ![]() Noemi and Butch 5 years after Luijoe went to heaven June 2008 May 2, 2008 br> Apr 26, 2008 December 24, 2006- Salamat Dok "Positibo ang Pinoy" Photo I was interviewed on how I transformed my grief to something positive. This was live show aired on December 24 at 6:00 AM. A lot of viewers in and outside the Philippines were able to watch this show. read more? June 2, 2006- Straight Talk Interview with Cheche Lazaro ![]() This episode was shown on June 2 at 1:00 PM and replayed June 2 at 11:00 PM and on June 4 at 4:00 PM. read more? May 16, 2006- ALI Mother's Day Feature ![]() Appeared as one of the guests for ALI show. The Ali Show featured mothers like Agnes Prieto, Alma Miclat and Vilma Dee who have moved on towards a positive resolution of their grief. May 3, 2006- Book Launch of FALLEN CRADLE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() March 7, 2006- Guest in QTV MOMS ![]() The episode of “Pieta, Pagdadalamhati ng isang Ina” aired at QTV MOMS at 5:30 PM almost a month after our taping .read more? February 24, 2006- Launch of my blog My blog about my grief journey and recovery is launched. February 9, 2006- Taping for "Pieta, Pagdadalamhati ng isang Ina" Appeared as guest for MOMS at QTV. The Episode title is "Pieta, Pagdadalamhati ng isang Ina". Other guests include, Gina de Venecia, Irma Santiago and Alicia Alonzo. Gina lost KC to a fire accident on December 16, 2004. Irma Santiago lost her son, Luigi Santiago (a popular TV director) just recently on June 8, 2005 in a gunfire incident. Alicia's son, Jon Hernandez passed away 12 years ago due to a car accident. The episode will be aired last week of February. The schedule will be shown at their Episode guide. I had some difficulty during the Q & A portion because the questions were mostly in Tagalog and my speech gets garbled in Taglish. English is still my preferred language when it comes to deep discussion of issues. January 11, 2006- Interview with co-founders of The Compassionate Friends Sunday Magazine Inquirer featured the The Compassionate Friends. The article is called SURVIVORS' TALES: But What Do You Call Someone Who Lost A Child?. Click here to read I finally wrote about Luijoe's life and death. Luijoe's story will be featured as part of the 21 stories in the book "Fallen Cradle" , compiled by Agnes Prieto on the loss of a child . Watch out for the book launch around late February 2006. December 18, 2005- The Purpose Driven Life View the powerpoint presentation I made after the closing of the Purpose Drive Life Seminar sponsored by the Pathways of Ligaya ng Panginoon. It was about how I started The Compassionate Friends in the Philippines and my positive resolution in my grief journey. December 17, 2005- First meeting with The Compassionate Friends The Compassionate Friends first meeting was held at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship. November 30, 2005- Starting The Compassionate Friends I will be starting the first chapter of The Compassionate Friends (grief support following death of a child) in the Philippines on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 . I even designed the The Compassionate Friends website. First meeting is tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, January 18, 2006. Please email Noemi L. Dado at [email protected] or send an SMS to 09178101582 for the venue. What is the Compassionate Friends? The Compassionate Friends (grief support following death of a child) - The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive. The Compassionate Friends is a national non-profit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees. November 16, 2005- Joining Healing Circles My husband and I joined the Healing Circles Grief Support group founded by Agnes Prieto. I finally found a grief support group after years of searching for one. If you need grief support just contact the Healing Circle (, 24-hour mobile phone number (0920-5525952) . Sharing our grief to those that have lost a loved one is a comfort. April 26, 2005 - After 3 years Almost 5 years since my son died. I've updated the links. Coming soon. A blog . Hopefully I can join the "Inang Naulila sa Anak" (INA) that would counsel grieving mothers. " I read the Opinion column that Gina de Venecia and Ali Sotto organized it. But how to join? There are not much details. I would like to help other grieving mothers. October 2, 2002- angel-luijoe.net launched On the feastday of the Guardian Angel, Luijoe's memorial site is now a domain and moved to a better server July 16, 2001 December 23, 2000 October 23, 2000 August 18, 2000 New sections on: July 27, 2000 July 21, 2000 July 12, 2000 ![]() This site is dedicated to our angel, Luijoe, who was born July 13, 1993 and got taken away to heaven on May 27, 2000 at the age of 6 years old. This memorial site was created on June 19, 2000 although the memorial guestbook was set up on May 28, 2000 by Martin, my daughter's friend. The domain , angel-luijoe.net was purchased on September 19 , 2002 by Luijoe's dad and is registered for the next 3 years. This was designed by his mom using notepad for the HTML and adobe photoshop for editing graphics. The design was inspired with an "angels theme" because of Luijoe's fascination about angels and heaven weeks before he died. This page will always have something new so check this page for updates. To navigate, please click the links on the left frame. Email : [email protected] Sign: Memorial Page for Luijoe ![]() I made this memorial site to unleash my grief into something creative. It is my wish to share with you the wonderful things that Luijoe had in his earthly life and how his death has touched our lives. I know some of you might not be comfortable with our painful loss. It is my intention to touch your life and to comfort other griveing parents out there. The only help a parent can find when they are grieving the loss of a child, is in the company of another who fully understands that loss. ![]() ![]() Noemi and Butch 5 years visiting Luijoe's Resting Place at the cemetery ![]() Only The Best A heart of gold stopped beating, two shining eyes at rest, God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. God knows you had to leave us, but you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day He took you home. To some you are forgotten, to others just part of the past, but to us who loved and lost you, the memory will always last. ![]() Whisper of an Angel The whisper of an angel Can open Heaven's gate, A glimpse of faith and courage A love strong enough to wait, Whisper you are safe Whisper softly, angel love, My heart is aching so Needing comfort from above, Tell me you are with me Whisper gently in my ear, "You will always be my mommy" In the quiet I will hear, My heart still aches to hold you I close my eyes and see, Your face now, four years later And who you were to be, Though dreams I once held close In the distance now, so far Still you're more than just my child You're the twinkle in the stars, So I'll hear your angel whispers "You never need let go, Hold me, mommy, close within" Though the pain and sorrow flow, One day we shall reunite Angels whisper words of grace, And I promise I will hold you In another time and place. (c) 1998 by Joanne Cacciatore, an excerpt from "Dear Cheyenne" All Rights Reserved, Do Not Reprint Without Permission (used with permission from Joanne Cacciatore) |